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Hacker Tools » Download -> Symbian-> Nokia Series 60v2-> Productivity » SAVE

This Directory TOP18
File Explorer
Griffon File Manager
Backup Contacts v1.10
Glogger v3.1.1
List Manager for Series 60
Pro Backup
Mobiola Headset
Psiloc Voice Reminder for Series 60


File Size: 84KB
Update Time: 2009-03-20
Description:     Can you be a victim of theft or loss of your mobile phone? What will you lose? - Answer is "Yes and a lot". A Mobile phone gets stolen every 2 hours in Singapore. Last year, in Korea 4.57 million mobile handset users had embarrassing experience due to lose or theft of their phones. Los Angeles airport alone reports finding 400 lost phones a month. In UK, Mobile phone thieves are costing UK consumers ¡ê390 million every year, with one phone stolen every twelve seconds. Young people consider a mobile phone the most important item of all - it is more important than access to the internet or even television. Realizing above facts, we all either have been or can be the next victim of phone theft and unwanted public embarrassment. What you need is a solution that enables us to protect our phone as well as contents on it. Moreover, if you get to know the thief¡¯s number and where-about, it will give you an opportunity to get your phone back by offering a reward or reporting to the authorities. The right solution is save. Click on Try for free trial.