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mForm - Custom Databases and Forms on your BB 1.0.18

File Size: 3600KB
Update Time: 2009-04-11
Description:     Why buy separate Expense Tools, Travel Tools, Vehicle Maintenance Logs, Fitness Logs and more when you can have them for one low price with mForm? Build any type of application or database: Expense Trackers Personal Databases and Collections Custom To Do lists Financial Calculators Travel Information Parts and Inventory Databases Work Orders And More�� Create Forms Choosing from a Variety of controls: Text Labels and Text Boxes Number Boxes Select Boxes Radio Buttons and Checkboxes Date and Time Fields Buttons Simple and Intuitive Microsoft Windows Application: Control the size and placement and properties of all of your control using a simple Microsoft Windows application. Create form events such as show, hide, or set value to create dynamic forms. Supports a full set of math operations for financial or technical uses. Deploy to any number of Blackberry Devices at the click of a button. Send and receive data, use Spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel Choose From a Variety of Examples: Expense Forms Sample Surveys Movie Database Personal Check Book Vehicle Fuel and Mileage Tracker And More!
  mForm - Custom Databases and Forms on your BB 1.0.18