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Hacker Tools » Download -> Android OS-> Graphics » FaceMatch

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File Size: 102KB
Update Time: 2009-02-12
Description:     FaceMatch use the android unique SDK FaceDetect API to extract faces from an image and then do the face match. The potential application is that we store the phones owner face as the master face and match the users face against the master face. If match is passed (via a threshold, say 80%), then the user can access the application. If failed, reject the user to use this application. How it works? 1: There is a default master face. You can reset the default master face if you want. 2: Load or capture an image, the application will first find the faces in the image and then match the face against the master face. 3: The match result will show how many percent of similarity. 4: Two match algorithms: Fast Match and Best Match. 5: You can also save the face and upload the face to our server. 6: In the FaceMatch - ImageView, the left image is the master face. We show here only for testing purpose.